Equestrian Group Urges SoCal Mountain Bikers To Get Off Of LA City Trails

Equestrian groups with emtionally-charged motives are trying to change a Griffith Park-issued ban on mountain biking into a blanket ban for all mountain biking in Los Angeles City parks and parks. Fear-based arguments are based on the old wives tale that mountain bikers riding on shared trails equals death and dismemberment for helpless equestrians.

Horse pucky!

I own and ride horses, and live in an equestrian community. Mountain bikers, and sometimes OHV motorized vehicle drivers, share the trails. Conflicts between horses and bikes are rare or nonexistent. Equestrians need to learn and follow the same rules as other trail users groups. Be prepared for the unexpected, be in control, and respect others’ experience.

You can send a message to the LA City Council to remind them that shared use by LA County and LA City trails has been repeatedly challenged in the past. It has been shown that community trails are the most sustainable and successful solution for all cases. Nearly every mile of the LA trail is multi-use. The fact that an individual is riding an animal doesn’t give him the right to use a public resource.

Please read the Equestrian Call to Action below and respond quickly to this nonsense.

Richard Cunningham.

The following email was faxed by an equestrian friend to us.

Let the LA City Council know your feelings about this. Attend the meeting!